Hey there! You have stumbled across this page for one reason or another. The current purpose of this page is to give you some insight to who I am and what I do. This is my little home for my CrossFit Journey. I started attending CrossFit at CrossFit Override in Thomaston February 27th, 2021. After moving to West Hartford in the Spring of 2022 I am now a regular member of CrossFit Override North. I obtained my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Certificate on September 25th, 2022.
CrossFit Trainer Profile Jim Luurtsema
Current Goal as of 5/1/2023
- Four to Six Strict Pull Ups
- Overhead Squat to Full Depth of 75lbs
- Complete Marathon Sub 3:55
**Shoulder mobility is a constant work in progress**
Current BenchMark Stats
- Back Squat 205lbs
- Bench Press 140lbs
- Clean 135lbs
- Clean and Jerk 125lbs
- Deadlift 300lbs
- Snatch 95lbs
- Squat Snatch 50lbs